The IMKASID 2025 Organizing Committee is delighted to announce awards will be offered to participating abstract submitters. Make your submission today and you will be automatically considered for generous prizes. Following review by the Scientific Committee, most outstanding abstracts will be selected for KASID Plenary Awards, Distinguished Investigator Awards, Young Investigator Awards (Not Over 40 Years of Age), KASID Best Poster Presentation Awards and Academic Grants. And, the IMKASID 2025 Organizing Committee will offer Travel Grants to participants who are not the presenting authors.
Award and Grant Opportunities
- A total of 37 awardees will be selected.
KASID Plenary Awards
USD 1,000 l 3 Awardees
- Prize: USD 1,000
Number of winners
- 3 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
- Nominees for the award must be the presenting author of the accepted abstract.
- The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2025.
Distinguished Investigator Awards
USD 500 l 10 Awardees
- Prize: USD 500
Number of winners
- 10 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
- Nominees for the award must be the presenting author of the accepted abstract.
- The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2025.
Young Investigator Awards (Not Over 40 Years of Age in 2025)
USD 500 l 10 Awardees
- Prize: USD 500
Number of winners
- 10 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
- Nominees must be the presenter of the accepted abstract and born in or after 1985.
- The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2025.
KASID Best Poster Presentation Awards
USD 500 l 14 Awardees
- Prize: USD 500
Number of winners
- 14 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
- The applicant should be a participant who presents an abstract accepted for the poster oral presentation.
- The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2025.
Grants [For Foreign Participants]
- A total of 100 awardees will be selected.
Academic Grants
USD 500 l 50 Awardees
- Prize: USD 500
Number of winners
- 50 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
- Nominees for the grant must be the presenting author of the accepted abstract.
- The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2025.
- The affiliation of applicant has to be outside of the Korea (Korean affiliations not included).
- Presenting authors from countries listed on the <DAC List of ODA Recipients by OECD> have priority, however, this qualification is only a priority, not mandatory.
Travel Grants [For Foreign Participants who are NOT Presenting Authors]
USD 300 l 50 Awardees
- Prize: USD 300
Number of winners
- 50 awardees will be selected by the organizing committee.
- Pre-registration by February 28, 2025 is required.
- Participants of foreign affiliations who are not presenting authors can be candidates for the travel grants. Specifically, foreign participants who did not submit abstracts OR who are corresponding authors or co-authors are eligible.
- Participants from countries listed on the <DAC List of ODA Recipients by OECD> have priority, however, this qualification is only a priority, not mandatory.
KASID Contribution Award (For Korean Researchers)
KASID Contribution Award
USD 500 l 20 Awardees
이 상은 장질환 분야에서 중요한 기여를 한 국내 연구자들의 공로를 인정하고 격려하기 위해 올해 새롭게 신설된 특별상입니다.
- 금액: USD 500
대상: 20명
자격 요건: 3편 이상의 원저 초록이 수락된 국내 교신 저자
- Awardees (except Travel Grants) will receive a notification of results via E-mail from January 31 (Fri), 2025.
- Awardees of Travel Grants will receive a notification of results via E-mail in early March 2025 (after the deadline for pre-registration).
How to Receive the Awards & Grants
- Awardees will receive the awards and grants at the IMKASID 2025.
- Additional support such as registration fees and accommodations will not be provided.